Music Enrichment
The Music Enrichment Program is a less-structured program that allows students to have flexibility and freedom in how they choose to study an instrument. Performance opportunities are available, but not required.
Music Builders
The Music Builders Program is the starting point for students who wish to pursue a structured music education but are not yet prepared for rigorous evaluation and measurements of each grade level. Music Builders awards students each year for progress achieved through an end-of-year non-graded evaluation and an optional recital performance. Most students enrolling in ZCM will start out as Music Builders. When they are recommended by their teacher to take a graded performance exam, the student is permitted to enter the Music Certificate Program. A decision to enter the Music Certificate program is made upon recommendation of the teacher after lessons are underway. A student may remain as a Music Builder throughout all his/her years of study at the Conservatory. Music Builders is a good path for grant and scholarship funding beyond high school.
Music Certificate
The Music Certificate Program consists of a graded curriculum that guides the student through a progressive learning experience toward competency. Depending on the instrument, there are levels of achievement that move through Divisions and sub-levels. Graded performance exams are required to move from level to level, and culminating levels in each Division require a faculty recommendation to progress. A minimum of two recital performances per year is also required. This program can ultimately lead to a Zion Conservatory of Music Diploma of Graduation, including the option of a Pre-Collegiate Diploma. Best path for grant and scholarship funding beyond high school.
find your perfect fit
Music Enrichment is for...
Students of all ages who enjoy music and are interested in lessons for personal musical enrichment.
Students of all ages who are looking for a short term coaching experience to refresh their skills.
Students exploring the possibility of longer-term, more serious study or who simply want an introduction to music.
Students whose life schedules - school, work, athletics - may interfere with a daily practice regimen.
Music Builders is for...
Students who need to set their own pace.
Students who find graded performance evaluation too stressful.
Students who have schedules busy with additional activities, sports, clubs, school work, etc., which have the potential to interfere with a daily practice regimen.
Students who are adults, but still enjoy working for program rewards and an occasional performance opportunity.
Music Certificate is for...
Students who practice diligently and find music to be an important part of their daily life, taking priority over other extracurricular activities.
Students who benefit from the added motivation of receiving an award or printed recognition of their accomplishments.
Students who enjoy setting and reaching goals.
Students who are interested in pursuing music in college should strongly consider participating in this program.